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What is the SHIFT?

Whenever I talk about the SHIFT needed in child welfare (and many other public services programs), most people agree that something needs to change in our current system. Most, however, focus on singular shifts: new technology, enhanced practice models, or addressing workforce needs. While each of these plays a very important role in the SHIFT, they are just pieces of it.


Independently, we call them projects or initiatives - another “thing” to roll out. You can practically feel the staff sentiment, “Here we go again” and visualize their eye rolls as they batten down the hatches as if preparing for a massive storm. Whatever the ‘it’ is, it is happening to you [staff] and around you.


Unfortunately, this is often what it feels like in the trenches. The child welfare industry has done this for years, so many years, decades and decades, always with the notion that ‘this time’ will be different. And it is not exclusive to child welfare, human services, or even public sectors. Private, for-profit industries share common pitfalls, process woes, and failed projects or initiatives. Why? Because we zero in on pieces and parts, often so much so that we are heads down with blinders on for years doing that one thing.

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The SHIFT encompasses an industry-wide transition from welfare to a wellness model. It’s about addressing needs holistically and seeing the whole picture to understand the entire story.

Policy & Practice

Image by CoWomen

Policy & Procedure Development


Workforce Development

& Training Delivery


Federal Outcomes

& Reporting

Image by Campaign Creators

Program Development, Management, & Support

Technology & Innovation

Image by Patrick Perkins

Process Automation

& Implementation Support

Colleagues Working Together

Organizational Change

& Communications

Female Lecturer


User Engagement


Happy Children




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